You Make CADF Shine!

The Capital Area Dental Foundation is deeply grateful to the following dentists who volunteered their time to care for CADF patients between January 2015-March 2015. Thank you for giving back to the community and using your talent and skills to transform lives and restore dignity.

For more information about becoming a CADF volunteer, please contact Liz Rubio at or 512-992-1217.  To read more about our programs, click here

Austin American-Statesman Season for Caring Campaign:

Aloha Dental

Dr. Robin Bethell

Dr. Franklin Bonasso

Dr. Gene Hassell

Dr. Patrick Jaekle

Dr. Alice Johnson

Dr. Kavin Kelp

Dr. Stan LaCroix

Dr. Kent Macaulay

Dr. Steve Perkins

Dr. Wayne C. Radwanski

Dr. Barry Rouch

Dr. Don Taylor

Goodwill Central Texas:

Dr. Gene Hassell

Dr. Lynley Shook (One Smile Provider)

St. Vincent de Paul:

Dr. Darryl Baucum

Dr. Jean Feldman

Dr. Simon Garza

Dr. Kent Macaulay

Dr. Wayne Radwanski

Dr. Michael Shedlosky

Vida Dental

 Health Alliance for Austin Musicians:

12 Oaks Dental Aloha Dental/Jumper
Airport Dental/Dr. Danell Kazmer Dr. Kelly Keith
Dr. Michael Bell Dr. Kavin J. Kelp
Dr. Adrian Bernal Dr. Stanley A.LaCroix
Dr. Jason Black Dr. Kent B.Macaulay
Dr. Steven Booth Dr. Shane Matt
Dr. Gary Cash Dr. Michael J. Moossy
Dr. Emily Conley Northwest Hills Smiles
Dr. Steven Cook Dr. Daniel O’Dell
Dr. Emily Craft Dr. David Panahi
Dr. Elyse Cronin Dr. Neil Patel
Dr. Ty Davidson Dr. Wayne Radwanski
Legend Dental Dr. Lorena Sa, Capital Children’s Dentistry
Vida Dental Dr. Samani Fatemeh
Dr. Carol Evans Dr. Samani, Hooman
Dr. Elizabeth Grimm Dr. Brian Scaff
Dr. Ronald Horne Dr. Neal R Shah
Dr. Staci Ianiro Dr. James Van Eyk
Dr. Alice Johnson Dr. Steven Yarbrough
Aloha Dental San Marcos/Dr. Jumper