Where will YOU be February 8, 2014?

The kids are finally back to school and summer is slowly starting to wind down.

Here are the Capital Area Dental Foundation, our amazing volunteer dentists are still hard at work caring for low-income patients who have nowhere else to turn.  Patients like Walt B who had not been to a dentist in 20 years before seeing a CADF dentist through our partnership with the St. David’s Foundation and the Health Alliance for Austin Musicians.

Because it costs money to make these programs available in the community, CADF is busy planning its Annual Gala which helps us raise the funds needed to sustain and expand the charitable care we are able to offer to our neighbors in need.

It’s not too early to save the date for what will surely be an unforgettable evening! This year’s Annual Gala—The Great Gatsby and Casino Night—will be held on February 8, 2014 at the Four Seasons Hotel.  Details on how you can help– tickets, sponsorship opportunities and more will be available soon.