News – Page 17

CADF Elected New Officers and Committee Chairs

On June 25, the Capital Area Dental Foundation nominated the following board members to serve as committee chairs for the next year.  Congratulations to the following new committee chairs and thank you for your dedication and leadership:

Access to Care: Kent B. Macaulay, DDS

Communications & Outreach: Lyda Creus Molanphy

Development & Fundraising: Kevin A. Kaylakie

 Gala: Alan Moore, DDS and Melinda Perrier

 Nominations: Leonard Dolce, DDS

Our inspired leader, Dr. Kavin Kelp graciously agreed to serve another term as CADF’s chairman, while former Communications Committee Chairman and Gala Co-Chair, Dr. Alan Moore has stepped forward to fill the position of vice chairman.  Board member John Fiddler has been added as an at-large member of the executive committee, while Dr. Jacki Vo will continue as secretary and Dr. Stan LaCroix will remain treasurer.

A special thanks to all incoming and outgoing CADF leaders for your service!

Thank you June HAAM Volunteers

The Capital Area Dental Foundation’s partnership with the Health Alliances for Austin Musicians is a true success story.  Patient satisfaction is sky high and our dentists just love participating in this program.

CADF’s new program director and HAAM coordinator, Lisa Apfelberg is enjoying getting to our volunteer dentists and the office staff that so generously contribute their time and expertise to this program.

Thank you to the following offices and providers who treated HAAM patients during the month of June.  We couldn’t do it without YOU!

Aloha Dental
Authentic Smiles
Dr. Steven Cook
Dr. Stan LaCroix
Dr. J. Michael Moossy
Dr. Daniel O’Dell
Dr. James VanEyk
Airport Dental
Dr. Jason Black
Dr.  Emily Craft
Dr. Ronald Horne
Dr. Kelly Keith
Dr. Kavin Kelp
Dr. Wayne Radwanski
Dr. Lorena Sa
Dr. Fatemeh Samani
Dr. Neal Shah
Dr.  Steven Yarbrough

CADF Hires Program Director!

The Capital Area Dental Foundation recently welcomed Lisa Apfelberg as its new program director.  Lisa will be overseeing the   Health Alliance for Austin Musicians (HAAM) dental program, the Healthy Smiles for Texans Program and the St. Vincent de Paul.  emergency dental care program.

If you are a HAAM provider and have questions about reimbursements or other matters, please direct them to Lisa at  If you are a dentist and would like to learn how you can  become a HAAM provider, Lisa can also help get you signed up and ready to see patients!

Lisa can be reached by phone at 512-971-8005 or by email for non-HAAM program inquiries at

CADF’s HAAM Coordinator Moving On….

Our program coordinator for the Health Alliance for Austin Musicians (HAAM) dental program, Charlotte Laguna is leaving Texas to return home to Chicago.  She is working with CADF’s new Executive Director, Megan Woodburn, until the end of May to hand off responsibilities and ensure a smooth transition.

Thank you, Charlotte for helping get the HAAM program off the ground and for doing such a great job for CADF during the past year.  You will be missed!

CADF Hires First-Ever Executive Director!

The Capital Area Dental Foundation is excited to announce the hiring of Megan Woodburn as the foundation’s first Executive Director.   Megan joined CADF on May 1 and will be overseeing foundation’s administrative, financial and volunteer recruitment functions.  She will also oversee and manage CADF’s three charitable care programs: Health Alliance for Austin Musicians (HAAM), Healthy Smiles for Texans and the St. Vincent De Paul emergency dental care program.

Megan brings CADF a wealth of experience and expertise, including more than a decade of nonprofit and association management.  In 2010, she received her Certified Association Executive (CAE) credential from the American Society of Association Executives.  In 2011, the Texas Society of Association Professionals recognized Megan with the prestigious Young Professional Leadership Award.

Megan currently serves as the Chair of the YMCA East Communities board and is a Director with the Texas Lyceum.  She is a graduate of the Colorado College in Colorado Springs.

Thank You April HAAM Volunteers

The Capital Area Dental Foundation would like to thank the following dentists for participating in the HAAM dental program during the month of April.  If you are a dentist and would like to become a HAAM provider, please email Megan Woodburn at or call her at 512-992-1217.  As a HAAM provider, you will see patients in the comfort of your own office and can schedule as many or as few visits per month.  It’s all in your hands!!


Dr. Jason Black

Dr. Roderick Castells

Dr. Steven Cook

Dr. Emily Craft

Dr. Elyse Cronin

Dr. Ty Davidson

Dr. Priscila Donangelo

Dr. Elizabeth Grimm

Dr. Bryan Hassler

Dr. Ronald Horne

Dr. Danelle Kazmer

Dr. Whit Jumper

Dr. Kelly Keith

Dr. Kavin Kelp

Dr. Stan LaCroix

Dr. Shane Matt

Dr. Michael Moossy

Dr. O’ Dell

Dr. Wayne Radwanski

Dr. Lorena Sa

Dr. Brian Scaff

Dr. Neal Shah

Dr. James Van Eyk

Dr. Jaquelyn Vo

Save the Date!

The Capital Area Dental Foundation’s Hollywood and Casino Night Gala was such a smashing success that we have already secured the date for next year’s event—February 8, 2014 at the Four Seasons Hotel.  Mark your calendar NOW and look out for more exciting news later this year.

Your support for the 2013 Gala allows CADF to continue to providing life-changing, charitable dental care to Central Texans in need.  To learn more about who we are and what we do, read our brand new brochure.

Thanks CADF volunteers for keeping Austin rocking!

Thank you to the following CADF providers for participating in our partnership with the Health Alliance for Austin Musicians.

Because of YOU, hundreds of local musicians are able to maintain their oral health and keep Austin rocking.  If you are interested in becoming a HAAM provider, please contact Charlotte Laguna today at

Dr. Jason Black

Dr. Roderick Castells

Dr. Steven Cook

Dr. Emily Craft

Dr. Elyse Cronin

Dr. Ty Davidson

Dr. Priscila Donangelo

Dr. Elizabeth Grimm

Dr. Bryan Hassler

Dr. Ronald Horne

Dr. Danelle Kazmer

Dr. Whit Jumper

Dr. Kelly Keith

Dr. Kavin Kelp

Dr. Stan LaCroix

Dr. Shane Matt

Dr. Michael Moossy

Dr. O’ Dell

Dr. Wayne Radwanski

Dr. Lorena Sa

Dr. Brian Scaff

Dr. Neal Shah

Dr. James Van Eyk

Dr. Jaquelyn Vo

Thank you CADF February Providers!

The Capital Area Dental Foundation would like to thank the following providers for serving patients in need during the month of February.  We couldn’t do it without you!

Health Alliance for Austin Musicians

Dr. Jason Black

Dr. Roderick Castells

Dr. Steven Cook

Dr. Emily Craft

Dr. Elyse Cronin

Dr. Ty Davidson

Dr. Priscila Donangelo

Dr. Elizabeth Grimm

Dr. Bryan Hassler

Dr. Ronald Horne

Dr. Danelle Kazmer

Dr. Whit Jumper

Dr. Kelly Keith

Dr. Kavin Kelp

Dr. Stan LaCroix

Dr. Shane Matt

Dr. Michael Moossy

Dr. Wayne Radwanski

Dr. Lorena Sa

Dr. Ellie Samani

Dr. Brian Scaff

Dr. Neal Shah

Dr. James Van Eyk

Dr. Jaquelyn Vo

St. Vincent de Paul

Dr. Michael Shedlosky

Dr. Emily Craft

Dr. Kelly Keith

Dr. Franklin Bonasso

Dr. Danelle Kazmer

Healthy Smiles for Texans

Dr. Kent Macaulay

Dr. Lisa Burkett

Dr. Jeff Fifield


Check out New Gala Photos

We have posted some new Gala photos to our Flickr account.  Click here to check out the fabulous red carpet shots.  Enjoy!


New Gala Photos Available!

Check out New Gala Photos

We have posted some new Gala photos to our Flickr account.  Click here to check out the fabulous red carpet shots or go on our web site.  Enjoy!