Congrats to all the incredible dentists, volunteers, translators and staff who participated in this weekend’s first-ever Austin Texas Mission of Mercy organized by TDA Smiles Foundation and supported by St. David’s Foundation. We are so proud of all of our CADF board members and volunteers who rolled up their sleeves and got involved. All told, TMOM served 632 patients and provided $566,090 in charitable dental care, including 3,186 procedures and 65 prosthetic cases. A special shout out to former CADF Board Chairs, Alan B Moore DDS (TMOM Dental Chair) and Kavin Kelp, DDS (TMOM Prosthetics Chair) and CADF Access to Care Chair, Kent B. Macualay, DDS for their leadership and to Seretti Dental Lab, Q Dental Lab and Afforable Dentures for stepping up and helping provide lab support, Dr. Barry Rouch for staying late and current CADS President, Dr. Dale Gallagher and CADS Past Presidnet, Dr. Ensy Atarod for volunteering!
Austin TMOM Getting Started at Travis High School