3 Reasons You Should Attend The CADF 2012 Gala

1. THE CAUSE – CADF transforms lives by providing necessary dental care to those people who need it the most. The money raised at the Gala will support the services and programs the Foundation provides for our community.

2. YOUR COLLEAGUES – Over 400 dental professionals and industry leaders will be there to support CADF on February 18th

3. FUN! – Casino, Cocktails, Cuisine, Live Jazz and a Trip to Hawaii – There will be more than enough to go around at this year’s Gala. You won’t want to miss out on this spectacular night.

The Gala will be held Saturday, February 18, 2010 at the Four Seasons Hotel.

Sponsorships and Tickets are still available! Visit our GALA PAGE to purchase your tickets today or contact Julia Campbell – julia@corcoranco.com, 512-551-3723.